Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Looking Forward to Syria

I go to Damascus tomorrow. Bob has had a call to present his credentials, and we leave in the afternoon, to be there in time for the ceremony next day.

I am almost shivery with anticipation. I love Damascus. It was probably my hardest first six months, but became a total and absolute capitulation. Those who love the Middle East have no way to hold back. This city seeps into the bones of those who walk through it and learn to know it. It has high walls, huge gates, and narrow alleys, with enchantment around every corner. Second storeys project over the streets and cobblestones, shadowing people below from summer heat or winter rain, and leaning to nuzzle at the corners of windows covered in meshrabieh. Despite the bright plastic and roller doors of the shops, there is a sense of time turned back. If I could walk you through one city in the Middle East for one day, it would be Damascus in Syria.


I could not resist the chance to send some wonderful patchwork patterns from the Middle East. They are all made in stone and not cloth, but many of these date from the reign of the Mameluks. This first one was in the Grand Hyatt spa in Dubai, all others are from the Al Azhar Mosque in Cairo.



Anonymous Anonymous said... was on the road to Damascus that St. Paul was converted, as you probably know. I would love to see it and many more places that Jesus frequented. You are so blessed.... I had just finished lunch, then read of your menu at the Hyatt. My lovely salad sandwich and glass of milk paled in significance..but I enloyed it.
I love your stories and pictures. Cheers from Ailsa

1:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Jenny
I haven't yet decided which is more delicious your food descriptions or the tiles, both sent me into raptures Jenny.Your descriptions are so good that I feel that I'm there with you.You are in teh heartland of civilization and I must say I envy you enormously.
Christine from Bsthurst

8:58 pm  

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